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Here in the Northeast, rocks are just a part of gardening life, and even if you are raising vegetables in an old garden (one that’s been well ...

Good things come to those who wait, and this is especially true when establishing young fruit trees. Pruning to encourage proper branching ...

One group of plants you can use to create a blooming bridge between spring and summer are azaleas (Rhododendron spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). As ...

Annual plants are a garden designer’s secret weapon. Endlessly versatile and extremely showy, annuals add nonstop color without a high price or ...

My wife and I are both avid gardeners, but we typically only find time to sit and enjoy the landscape at dusk or after sunset. To maximize the ...

If you’re a sun-loving gardener, finding yourself presented with a woodland garden or an otherwise shaded area of the landscape can feel a ...

There’s a misconception going around that fuchsias are tropical flowers that need lots of shade and heat. But, like me, they actually thrive in plenty of ...

Despite working predominantly in ornamental—especially naturalistic—horticulture, I hold an “interdisciplinary minor in organic agriculture” ...

We’re looking back again today at some of the best GPOD posts from the past, and today the theme is containers! There is so much room to be ...

Whole leaves sprinkled on top of pho or mozzarella cheese. Mashed with pine nuts in a mortar and pestle into a rich pesto. Layered on bruschetta, muddled ...

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