Home and Garden

As a health enthusiast and a dabbler in survivalism, I truly appreciate the power of the potato. Even more so when it’s growing in straw. An almost ...

Cherry Ong has shared these photos of a container she created for her garden in Richmond, British Columbia, last summer. She used a big ...

I could make a list of the reasons to grow daylilies that would be a mile long. They’re fast growing, they live a long time, they bloom for ages in super ...

We are Roger and Linda. We live in Pompano Beach, Florida. We have built this little paradise, which is our pride and joy. We cherish every ...

Basil is a delightful herb grown for its aromatic and delicious foliage. Knowing how and when to fertilize your basil can be the difference between ...

8. Mojito Hailing from Cuba, Mojito mint, M. x villosa, has large leaves with a mild flavor and citrusy notes that make it an excellent choice for hot and ...

I CONFESS to something of a weakness for Japanese maples, and I suspect I’m not alone. Now, thanks to breeding work by experts like today’s guests, there ...

Anemone virginiana A native summer wildflower ranging across central and eastern North America, thimbleweed is often overlooked. Its understated flowers, ...

Jay Sifford is an award-winning landscape designer based in North Carolina. Several of his garden designs have been featured in Fine Gardening, ...

We’re back today with photos that Marilyn Regnier shared with us of her once-in-a-lifetime trip to see the famous Keukenhof spring flower-bulb ...

In his article Weaving Vignettes Together, horticulturalist Dan Johnson gives us a look into his home garden in Denver, where he uses repeated ...

In his article Weaving Vignettes Together, horticulturalist Dan Johnson gives us a look into his home garden in Denver, where he uses repeated ...

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